Speakers' Corner

Future Speakers In Person
- March 5, 2025 ~ The Honourable Sandra Simpson will be our guest speaker in March.
Sandra was a Federal Court Judge for 29 years and rendered decisions in various provinces and territories across Canada.
Prior to her federal appointment she practiced civil litigation in Toronto for 18 years. She learned her legal ropes at Queens and the University of Toronto law schools.
She was appointed to the Federal Court and the Court Martial Court of Appeal in 1993. She later became a member of Canada's Competition Tribunal and served as
its Chairperson for two terms. Sanda will speak about some of her more memorable cases and related retirement projects.
Although we have decided to cancel our hybrid / Zoom meetings, we may have to go back to them.
For tips on accessing our Hybrid meetings via Zoom , please click on the button below
Speakers In the Recent Past Mostly In Person
- February 5, 2025 ~ Richard Schoolley with a talk on Better Understanding US
It seems everywhere we look there are demonstrations of the need for change.
Be it, delivery of Healthcare, Municipal, Social and Educational Services;
or for managing our impact on our Environment, Climate Change realities and
demographic evolution, all impacting living in community and economic
viability. Our speaker believes that as community we need to adjust how we
identify as a community and how we present ourselves to, and are understood
by, senior government levels, be they County, Provincial of Federal, to
successfully enable our future. Richard Schooley and his life partner Karen
Campbell have lived, gone to school, raised a family and been employed here.
Karen an RN in various healthcare roles and a very successful mother,
Richard , 50 years in the Risk Management and Insurance Brokerage business
on Gore Street. They raised three children here and all of them remain in
the greater Perth Community. Richard feels a Better Understanding of Us
would help us adjust, as community, to accommodate necessary changes,
enabling the services we need and the economic environment supporting
‘community’. In 30 minutes he prompted a much longer contemplation of how we migh adjust for/to the 21st century.
- January 8, 2025 ~ Doug Phillips speaking on The History of Frost and Wood Manufacturing in Smiths Falls
Doug Phillips is a retired school teacher who has lived in or near Smiths Falls all his life. He is interested in telling stories about and preserving some of his hometown's history.
Frost & Wood of Smiths Falls: An Illustrated and Oral History recounts the story of a major economic engine in the town for over a century and several individuals' work experiences
in its final years.
His first book, Baseball Summer: The Story of the 1937 Smiths Falls Beavers is the story of the summer of 1937 when a professional baseball team, made up entirely of American athletes,
competed in the Class C Canadian American League.
- December 4 , 2024 ~ Catherine Donnelly, Jenniufer Lalonde, Rene
Saumur and Suzanne Rintoul providing a discussion focussing on the goal
of Seniors Aging Well In Place
Presentations will be led with a keynote address from Catherine Donnelly, a Professor at Queens University, providing the background to achieving this goal,
and exploring the key challenges and needs towards success. Jennifer Lalonde, Executive Director West Ottawa Community support for Seniors, brings forward another
approach toward aging-well, and the experiences, successes and challenges drawn from this.
Rene Saumur, from Perthshire, will share her experiences as a local resident in a Naturally Occurring Retirement
Community (NORC).
Finally, we will hear from Suzanne Rintoul, CEO Perth Family Health Team, as to their plans and
developments towards supporting Seniors in the community.

Catherine Donnelly Jennifer Lalonde Rene Saumur Suzanne Rintoul
- November 6 , 2024 ~ Daelin Verkindt - Foraging for Food in Lanark County
Daelin has farm/small town roots and has spent her life working with all types of animals and plants.
She has a BSC in Environmental Biology from the University of Guelph.
She is an experienced animal trainer.
As a water technician, she has worked with Severn Sound Environmental Association. Also, she has helped the citizen science with savelongsuecreek.ca in 2023 at Barbers lake at McDonalds corners.
Daelin has spent 7 years with The Wye Marsh Wildlife Center instilling passion for nature in humans of all ages.
Daelin has founded The Animal Connection; nature education combining the power of animal therapy. Also, she has founded the Plan B foragers.
- October 2, 2024 ~ Rebecca Last ~ speaking on Climate Change and the Individual
Rebecca Last has been gardening on and off since age 8 and
has been a member of Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton
since 2005. Her small suburban garden is certified by the
Canadian Wildlife Federation as wildlife habitat. Rebecca
grows a dozen or more varieties of heritage tomatoes every
year. Her garden design includes elements of permaculture
and she has been honoured to receive several awards from the Ontario horticulture
Aside from getting her hands dirty, Rebecca is also passionate about the science
behind gardening. Not a scientist herself, a big part of her career was translating
science into terms that would resonate with the public. Now retired, she uses these
same skills to share what she learns about gardening and plant science via her blog
Gardening at Last (https://gardeningatlast.ca/). She also shares her own research and
writing on ResearchGate (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rebecca-Last), where
her publications have garnered over 10,000 reads.
During her career, Rebecca worked for and served on boards for a variety of charitable
and non-profit organizations before concluding her career as a policy analyst with
Natural Resources Canada. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, she worked as director
of policy and programs for the Canadian Environment Industry Association. In this
capacity, she was part of the Industry Steering Committee on Climate Change (ISC3).
ISC3 was established by industry groups representing large emitters to help model and
frame specific policy responses to Canada’s commitment to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol,
the first international agreement on climate change.
Rebecca’s gardening addiction is enabled by her loving husband Richard and a
collection of very spoiled rescue cats.
- September 4, 2024 ~ Matthew Newby, CPA Investment Advisor, RBC Dominion Securities.
For over 15 years, Matthew Newby has been tailoring unique plans and strategies to build wealth, reach financial goals and create peace of mind.
As an Investment Advisor, with RBC Dominion Securities, Matthew is supported by the financial stability of Canada’s largest financial institution.
At RBC Wealth Management, we believe the greatest returns are more than financial. Your aspirations may involve your family, your business or the legacy you want to leave.
Matthew is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), and a Business Administration graduate from Peterborough, Ontario’s Trent University. Matthew draws on more
than a decade of experience working with business owners, self-employed professional and entrepreneurs. He enjoys working with families and businesses who need
an experienced advisor to professionally guide and manage their investments and their financial plans.
- June 5 , 2024 ~ Thanh Campbell, professional speaker and Canadian Best-Selling Author.
Thanh Campbell
has toured across Canada and spoken internationally sharing his story. He
has had the privilege to speak for the United Nations in Toronto, multiple school boards and Fortune 500 companies across Canada. On June 5th, we will hear Thanh’s amazing story of the value of family, life, and the power of love.
Thanh is a licensed minister with Anchor Ministerial which is based in Fergus,
Ontario. Most recently Thanh was appointed as the Canadian Director of
Partners Worldwide Canada tasked with the responsibility of growing the
organization’s impact here in Canada.
Thanh was born in Vietnam and came over to Canada as part of the last flight out of Saigon in 1975 with 56 other orphaned children. Their story was captured numerous times in the media.
Thanh has written his memoir entitled, “Orphan 32”, and most recently his
illustrated children's book, “Lost and Found - Orphan 32 Goes Home”.
This meeting held at the River House, 221 Davern Lane, Maberly ~ near Bolingbrook.
- May 1, 2024 ~ Professional Dog Trainer Kim Cooper and her rescue dog
Kim Cooper is a professional dog trainer, owner and senior instructor at Best Friends Dog Training in Ottawa since 1994. She has been actively engaged in training
and deploying civilian search and rescue dogs since 1991 through the Ottawa Valley SAR Dog Association, where she is currently Team Manager.
She has certified dogs under the OPP, FEMA, RCMP, International Police Work Dog Association and North American Police Work Dog Association standards.
In particular, she has been an active handler of Human Remains Detection dogs since 2007.
- April 3, 2024 ~ Human Rights from the Ground Up: The Ongoing Case in Burma / Myanmar - Kevin Malseed
Kevin Malseed grew up in Milford, Ontario, but spent most of his adult life living and working overseas in Southeast Asia, East and Central Africa.
In 1990 he volunteered to teach in a refugee village in the state of Karen just inside the Burmese border next to Thailand. In 1992 he founded the
Karen Human Rights Group (www.khrg.org ) in the armed conflict area of southeastern Burma/Myanmar, and continued to live and work on the ground with KHRG
until 2007, helping it to transition to a fully local Karen-managed organization.
KHRG’s philosophy and methodology were from the outset based on local perceptions of human rights rather than international norms, and included projecting
the voices and aspirations of villagers to the domestic and internatioal community, while also supporting and strengthening village level strategies to resist human rights
abuses. KHRG now has close to 100 staff and field-based activists/researchers operating in the conflict area and commemorated its 31th year in 2023. For its unique work,
the Karen Human Rigths Group (KHRG) received the 2013 Asia Democracy and Human Rights Award from the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, and was twice nominated for the
Nobel Peace Prize. Kevin still chairs its Advisory Board and now lives near Perth.
- March 6, 2024 ~ The St. Paul's Hand Bell Choir
The St. Paul’s Hand Bell Choir started in 1990 by Mary and Bruce Young. They had moved to Perth from Thunder Bay where they had heard a hand bell choir and
were intrigued. Upon moving to Perth, they applied for a New Horizons Grant, and received $6,000 to upstart a hand bell choir. There were several
conductors for the first few years. In 2007, Ann MacMahon, took over the rôle as Director. Performances have varied considerably. For instance, they have played for
elementary schools where they might include hilarious versions of “Old McDonald’s Farm”. However, they always include some serious music for such
an audience and their response is always positive. The Choir has played in many different settings over the years: church services, nursing and
retirement homes, luncheons and Christmas dinners including markets around our community.
The Choir has made a number of road trips performing in Almonte, Carlton Place. Pakenham, Arden, Smith’s Falls and Brockville. They usually play about
six or seven times a year.
For Probus, they chose a variety of pieces that demonstrate different styles of music and how they can be adapted to the hand bells and hand
chimes. Their repretoire also included a couple of pieces for the audience to "sing-along"!
- February 7, 2024 ~ Barbara Robinson - Professional Engineer specializing in sewer systems.
In 2015, Barbara established Norton Engineering Inc., Canada's national
sewer expert, in Waterloo, Ontario. Through her tireless and passionate
work, her company has brought the first two national sewer documents in
Canada to fruition. Norton Inc. has produced numerous guidelines, papers,
and presentations on aspects of design, construction, inspection and
acceptance of sewer systems. This firm is contacted by all levels of
government for sewer advice and input. They continue to lead the way to many
efficient and cost-efficient practices, including gaps in the Codes that are
not adequately protective of our environment. Recently, Barbara was
interviewed by Steve Paikin of The Agenda, about the private side of sewers
(that represents about 50% of the system) and how residents can reduce their
risk of flooding because of blockages, the formation of fatbergs, and water
treatment pump failures. Join us as Barbara shares her recent new national
sewer standard seed document, "Developing Efficient and Effective Programs" and her
current focus on "Sewers are NOT Trash Cans!" .
See Barbara Robinson's very informative presentation slides ~
click here
- January 3, 2024 ~ Robert J. Mather, MSc. AFCASI. PEng.
It was 1968 when Bob gained a Masters degree in aircraft propulsion from Cranfield University in the UK as part of an engineering apprenticeship with Rolls-Royce. These were interesting times in the engine business with propulsion systems for Harrier and Concorde in development. After 10 years with Rolls Royce Bob moved over to Pratt & Whitney Canada for two periods totalling 13 years. It was here that Bob worked on advanced design and certification. Between the two stints with Pratt & Whitney Bob spent more than 20 years with Transport Canada. It was during this time the early model Dash 8’s were certified as were the initial Challenger and Regional Jet series. Bob was involved with developing corporate delegation in certification programs and developing and implementing criteria for long range over-water operation of twin engine aircraft. These were two Canadian firsts that Bob participated in while at Transport Canada. Bob also spent a number of years as a consultant with the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada. His work included industry policy development and Government liaison concerning domestic and international safety regulation and environmental protection. Bob and is wife Sue joined the Probus Club of Ottawa-Rideau Valley in 2010 shortly after Bob’s retirement from his second stint with Pratt & Whitney Canada. Since then, they have both enjoyed taking part in the activities of the Club. Bob is past President of Ottawa Rideau Valley Probus Club (2012-13) Their normal summer activities include golf and gardening. Bob has also served on the board of the Ottawa section of the Mercedes-Benz Car Club.
- December 6, 2023 ~ Award winning actor, director, writer, Robert Bockstael
Many will remember him from the long running TV series “North of 60” and his role as RCMP Cpl. Fletcher and later as
Jim Flett on "Wind at My Back”. Robert was last in Perth in 2021 in the one-man theatre production of “Getting to Room Temperature”. You might even
recognize his voice from his narrating commercials for TV and radio as well as providing the voices for dozens of animated series from X-men to Sailor
Moon, Rupert the Bear to Robocop.
Robert started his career in Ottawa at the Great Canadian Theatre Company and expanded from there. Keeping his career mostly based in Canada to be
close to his family and son Henry who has autism, Robert has enjoyed a varied career, both on stage and screen. His most recent film was along side
Mel Gibson in “Fatman”.
Robert’s long and successful career on TV, film and stage has more recently expanded by becoming an accomplished writer with his debut novel. “Willow’s
Run”, that has earned well deserved accolades. This debut novel gives new meaning to the phrase “strong female protagonist” and guarantees to satisfy
anyone looking for action, mystery, and unforgettable characters.
- November 1, 2023 ~ Panel Discussion
The topic of this panel discussion was be Seniors' Health Services
In Our Area. The Speaker's Team felt confident that this panel would help
all of us understand what health resources are available in our area.
Heather Flindall from South East LHIN, speaking via ZOOM, outlined their
Home and Community Care Services, but because of technical problems, only
those on ZOOM were able to hear her.
Suzanne Bourbonnais from Community Home Support Lanark County,
speaking in-person outlined the services they provide.
Robin Hull the Education Coordinator with Alzheimer Society Lanark Leeds Grenville, also speaking in-person, provided a discussion on their services.

Heather Flindall Project Assistant
Home and Community Care SupportServices,
South East LHIN

Suzanne Bourbonnais
Client Services Manager
Community Home Support Lanark County |

Robin Hull
Education Coordinator
Alzheimer Society
Lanark Leeds Grenville |
- October 4, 2023 ~ Claudia Smith
Claudia Smith, a popular local historian, shared stories from her
latest book "Horses of the Country: An Homage" and spoke to a wide
selection of vintage photographs. Horses were everywhere in days past,
from the heavy horses on farms and in the logging shanties to the horses
trotting to a mill, market or church, pulling hearses and delivering
rural mail. This presentation brought back memories of horses and
childhood or shed light on your ancestors’ lives with their horses.
Claudia has been collecting rural history in Lanark County since the early-1980s — gathering local oral history and photographing countryside artifacts,
rural relics and barns of times past. Over the years farming families shared their horse stories, photograph albums and ancestors’ farm diaries. With her deft
flair for detail, Claudia’s most recent book pays homage to the strong, hard-working horses – the partners, the rascals, the friends.
- September 6, 2023 ~ John Jordan - MPP for Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston
MPP John Jordan, the elected Member of Provincial Parliament for Lanark Frontenac Kingston and Parliamentary Assistant to the
Minister of Long-Term Care, provided a provincial health care update. Throughout his career, John has provided leadership and direction across
multiple sectors. Following a 16-year tenure with the School Board, John lead the successful integration of the locally based North Lanark CHC,
Lanark Community Programs, and Whitewater Bromely CHC to form ConnectWell Community Health. A testament to John’s strong and dedicated advocacy
for the interdisciplinary model of team-based care, ConnectWell Community Health is now a multi-sector organization with over 200 employees working
collaboratively to meet the needs of marginalized residents and community members throughout the region.
MPP Jordan is well respected throughout Lanark Frontenac Kingston as a thoughtful, committed and compassionated representative, working closely with
stakeholders to achieve common goals and forge a better path to the future.
MPP Jordan was born and raised in Lanark County, where he and his family still own and operate a small farm in beautiful Montague Township.
- June 7, 2023 ~ Christine Allum from the Ontario Securities Commission
Christine Allum spoke to us on Fraud Prevention from Toronto. She is a
Senior Advisor, Investor Engagement and Stakeholder Partnerships in the Investor Office at the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC).
She partners with various groups and organizations to deliver investor education and fraud prevention workshops. Prior to joining the OSC,
she worked at the Toronto Stock Exchange. Christine has expertise in adult training, curriculum resource development, event management,
relationship management and community outreach. She is a graduate of Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University).
- May 3, 2023 ~ Ian Lee ~ Associate Professor, Sprott School of Business, Carleton University
Professor Ian Lee's topic was Health Care Economics. Ian grew up on a farm in Beckwith Township, in the 1960s. Prior to his academic career, Ian was employed for 9 years in banking and lending with Avco Financial Services as branch manager and BMO Ottawa Main Office as Loan Manager, Mortgage Manager and finally Business Loan Officer. He lent millions of dollars in mortgages and business loans to Ottawa consumers and businesses through the 1970s and early 1980s – including living through interest rates of 20%.
He left the bank to return to school for a masters and PhD. Upon graduation, he became a professor at Carleton University in the Sprott School of Business in 1988, teaching business strategy and public policy.
After the collapse of communism, Ian taught approximately 100 times across Central and Eastern Europe for American and Canadian EMBA programs in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Latvia, Croatia, and the Czech Republic.
He has taught annually in Warsaw since 1991. He has taught annually since 1997 in Hong Kong and Shanghai China.
Ian is a past member of Carleton University Board of Governors. He is a frequent media analyst on issues concerning the impact of federal public policies on Canada’s business community, and the nation’s economy. Since 2006, Mr. Lee has published over thirty-five Op-Eds and has appeared before Canada’s House of Commons and Senate committees over 40 times.
See Ian Lee's very informative presentation slides ~
click here
- April 5, 2023 ~ Sue Brandum, Co-founder and Coordinator of Climate Network Lanark
The mission of Climate Network Lanark is to connect, co-ordinate, facilitate, initiate and support collaborative efforts and actions by and for
the community to address the impacts of climate change through both mitigation and adaptation measures. One of their key objectives is
to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 55% by 2030 to keep within the 1.5C increase beyond which we risk run-away climate change.
Before moving to Port Elmsley 25 years ago, Sue was a specialist energy writer and the volunteer manager of the Coalition for a Green Economic Recovery.
She co-authored the underground bestseller, Get A Life! She became the general manager of REAL, delivering programs that helped local residents improve
their energy efficiency, naturalize their yards and shorelines, manage their wells and septic systems and reuse goods when she established the REAL Deal
Reuse Store. Sue wrote Tay Valley Township’s Climate Action Plan. Sue grew up mainly in Shawville, Quebec.
The title of Sue Brandum's talk was: Can Lanark County pull its weight? A pathway to addressing the climate crisis in Lanark County.
To see Sue Brandum's's wonderful presentation slides
~ Click here .
- March 1, 2023 ~ Kevin Dooley - Author, Musician and Storyteller
Kevin, was born and grew up in Ireland, and came to Canada in 1977. He had spent some years in the merchant
navy where he had gained a background of marine engineering. He has had a variety of jobs, and describes
himself as a 'Blue Collar Worker'.
Kevin gained increasing interest and skills in Literature and Music, all essentially self- taught, to become 'an
independent scholar'. He has published a number of books, including an important contribution to the Historical
Background of the Rideau Canal Story as an UNESCO World Heritage Site’ and the recognition and commemoration for the Role and Sacrifice of the Labourers, mostly
Irish, whose toil built it. He has a major interest in Irish Culture, especially music, and is active in this scene as a musician and storyteller.
Febuary 1, 2023 ~ Erin Lee - Executive Director, Lanark County Interval House
Erin Lee is an experienced, passionate advocate who has spent decades working to end violence against women. Her work spans anti-violence programs, school board initiatives,
provincial associations and numerous boards and committees. Currently Erin is the Executive Director of Lanark County Interval House and Community Support, co-founder of
the Lyallen Hayes Memorial Fund, CSWBP member, Coordinating Committee member and member of the Victimology Advisory of Algonquin College. In most recent years, Erin was
a recipient of the MAG, Award of Distinction and the ETFO award for social change. Erin was a member of the EVA inquest working group and offered testimony related to
rural realities as a neighbouring rural county. Erin’s advocacy is characterized as solution-focused, mentoring to new advocates and inclusive to all.
January 4, 2023 ~ Tim Burrows
Tim is a retired Vice President of Forty Creek Distillery and a graduate of the University of Toronto where he earned an honours degree in psychology.
Tim began his career in the alcohol industry working nights & weekends for Chateau-Gai Wines, a subsidiary of John Labatt Ltd. His career evolved during the next 37 years
and shifted focus from Ontario wine to distilled spirits. He joined a small management team to take on operation of Reider Distillery in Grimsby, ON. The same team went
on to create and market a highly successful brand of Canadian Whisky called Forty Creek Barrel Select.
In today's talk entitled Could Your Next Career be in Alcohol?, Tim shares his knowledge of beer, wine and spirits and describes some little known facts
and legends behind these traditional beverages and how they are produced and marketed in Ontario.
December 7, 2022 ~ Howard Clifford
Howard Clifford was a co-founder of the Madawaska Land Trust and he is also the owner of cliffLAND and Blueberry Mountain.
Why is land conservation so important for Nature and human health? It contributes to planet’s resiliency to climate change, ameliorates biodiversity and habitat loss,
and promotes healthier community, yet often finds little support. Finding a balance between the needs of a healthy natural world and those of the community is a puzzle
that Howard Clifford addressed, based on his family's actions creating cliffLAND. The title of his presentation will be "cliffLAND Speaks to the Conservation Puzzle".
Click here for much more information.
November 2, 2022 ~ David Somppi
Our speaker, David Somppi - Chair of Planet Youth Lanark County (PYLC) and a member of our club spoke on "Preventing Problematic Substance Use in Lanark County.
A proven model for youth substance abuse reduction has come to Canada, in actual fact, it has landed right here in Lanark County and you need to know about it!
The world we grew-up in is gone; our children and grandchildren are wrestling with a much different environment composed of social media and cultural forces unknown to most us during
our formative years. Lanark County has become the first Canadian community to adopt Iceland's successful model for reducing teen addiction and related social disfunction.
David is graduate of the University of Waterloo having received his Bachelors (BASc) and Masters (MASc) in Electrical Engineering. In his current role as a Businss Advisor for
Pricewaterhousecoopers (PwC) David primarily works with Canadian companies focussed on telecommunication, semiconductors and information technology.
Learn How Community-Based Actions Can Prevent Youth Problematic Substance Use on Nov 24 in Carleton Place
October 5, 2022 ~ Michael Cohen
On November 2nd, 2021, Michael Cohen, a seasoned health-care
executive, became the new President and Chief Executive Officer at Perth
and Smiths Falls District Hospital. He has a solid understanding of
rural hospitals, clinical services, strategic planning and advocacy with
community partners. In his prior years, Michael served as the President
and CEO of Glengarry Memorial Hospital in Alexandria and held a variety
of senior leadership positions at Queensway Carleton Hospital in Ottawa,
including Vice President of Clinical Services, Chief Privacy Officer and
Director of decision support and health records. Michael spoke about his building upon the solid foundation of our
hospital, current initiatives, building partnerships, addressing
challenges facing Ontario health care, and next steps in the new
integrated health system.
Copy of Michael Cohen's Presentation ~ Click here
(You may have to click on "Slide Show" and then on "From Beginning".)
September 7, 2022 ~ Gary Smith
Probus Perth member Gary Smith spoke about Russia and the Ice War Diplomat. His latest book is entitled "Ice War Diplomat",
which covers the diplomatic side of the 1972 Hockey Summit Series between Canada and the USSR.
In 1972 Gary Smith was a young diplomat on his first posting
in Russia. Aside from his formal diplomatic duties he was also
playing hockey in the Moscow beer league, which might best be
characterized as informal diplomatic duties.
Press response and public interest in Gary's book has been excellent and it's now into its third printing in Canada. Even a feature-length documentary film 'IceBreaker' has been made, based in part on Gary's
extraordinary role during the most celebrated event in Canadian sports history.
Personal autographed copies of Gary's book 'Ice War Diplomat' were available for sale after the Probus Club meeting is concluded.
Important Announcement: The film, 'IceBreaker', based in part on Gary's book, will have its world premiere at the
Perth Studio Theatre on Tuesday, September 6 at 7:30 pm and on Wednesday, September 7 at 2:00 pm and 7:30 pm . These showings are expected to sell out quickly
so get your tickets in advance through "Tickets Please".
Canadian History magazine: Commentary on, and excerpt from 'Ice War Diplomat'
A preview of this talk....
Link to acquire Ice War Diplomat from The Book Nook Perth.
Complete List of Speakers 1996 to June 2022