Job Description


Newsletter Editor / Team Leader


The Newsletter Editor / Team Leader shall:


1.     Attend monthly Management Committee meetings (first Monday morning after Probus meeting).

2.     Manage the production a monthly newsletter for publication about mid-month. This newsletter should contain news of past meetings, future speakers and social events, Management Team notes and any other information that would benefit the membership.

3.     Secure a volunteer for each meeting to prepare a synopsis on the speaker’s presentation (<400 words), the self-introduction (<200 words) and the “Apropos” section (<100 words) for that meeting to appear in the subsequent newsletter.

4.     Take pictures at each meeting for the next edition of the Probian (or find a volunteer to do it).

5.     Assemble the volunteers’ submissions and update list of speakers, special activities and Management Team notes for the current Probian.

6.     Email a draft copy of the Probian to the Management Team for comments.

7.     Email the finished digital copy of the Probian (in PDF format) to the Webmaster for the website and for distribution by him/her to the email membership list.

8.     Take (or email) the finished digital copy of the Probian (in PDF format) to a printer (currently Images Inter Alia) along with instructions on the number of copies to be printed.

9.     Deliver the printed copies to the Membership Director for mailing to members.


Skills Required:

1.     Basic computer and internet skills.

2.     Editing / writing skills

3.     Sense of humour (optional)


Note: the current Editor is willing to act as trainer / advisor