P. O. Box 2164,
Perth, Ontario
K7H 3M9



Probus Club Welcomes New Members

Media Release ~ October 15, 2009


The Probus Club of Perth is back in high gear after a summer break and is now welcoming new members. There is normally a waiting list of applicants for membership in the club, which is capped at 150 members. Since there are now opportunities for new members, the Management Committee of the Club felt that this would be an excellent time to shed some light on what can only be described as one of the best-kept secrets of this community.

Probus clubs are organizations for men and women who have retired from their profession or business and who want to maintain a social network with others who have similar interests. Each Probus club is sponsored by a Rotary club and usually meets once a month for fellowship and to hear guest speakers. Probus Clubs are not service organizations and are non-sectarian and non-political, although members are often active volunteers in many community organizations. Today, there are over 300,000 members in approximately 4,000 Probus clubs worldwide.
Probus Perth is a particularly active club. It meets at 10am on the first Wednesday of each month, September through June, at the Perth Legion, 26 Beckwith Street East. The highlights of the meeting are usually the guest speakers who present on an eclectic range of very interesting subjects. But in addition, it turns out that many members of Probus Perth have done the most amazing things during their lives and they share their experiences with the others in an optional short “self-introduction” during each meeting. There are also a number of special activities spread throughout the year for the enjoyment of club members and their guests.

The quality and diversity of the guest speakers over the last 12 months have been particularly impressive.  Participants will never forget the moving personal account of D-Day given by Peter Craske.  The address on Canada’s peace-keeping initiatives by General Lewis McKenzie was remarkable in terms of profile and personal insight. The presentations by authors McKenty and Needham on their respective recent books were both highly entertaining, as was the demonstration of powered flight by Frank Roy. The talk earlier this month on the future of the Christian church by Dennis Dwyer was particularly thought provoking. Next month, General Clive Addy will be talking about “Today’s Soldier” and in December, Elaine Turner, the Community Outreach Coordinator of the Perth and District Community Foundation will describe how the Foundation aims to enrich the quality of life for the citizens of this area.

Recent Special Activities have included a unique golf Tournament / book exchange combo, "Forever Plaid" at the Gananoque Playhouse, visits to the RCAF Museum and Fortune Farms Sugar Bush, and a Fall Foliage Excursion on the Wakefield Steam Train. In the offing are an excursion to see the Mississippi Mudds Dinner Theatre in Carleton Place and the annual Christmas Dinner at the Perth Links O’Tay Golf Club.

If you are new to the community and/ or recently retired, Probus Perth may well be of interest to you. Please feel free to contact the club about membership or about coming out to one of their meetings to see if Probus is for you.
For further information on Probus Perth, please visit their website at or contact President Bruce Gourley at 613-283-5967.